Tuesday, 28 March 2017

Dewa Athena IX

Today I'm going to write about something that was done like, last saturday, which is 25th March 2017. WHAT was it you ask? It was.... drumrolls please!


To start, "What is Dewa Athena?" you may ask. Well, I'm going to explain it a little bit. Dewa Athena is an event held in 3 Senior High School Bandung at the near-end of the 2nd semester. It's like the school version of the olympic games, where classes in 3 Senior High School Bandung compete in several kinds of sports. The sports we have to compete here are :

1. Basketball
2. Female Football
3. Male Football
4. Volley
5. Lari Estafet
6. Gobak Sodor
7. Female double badminton
8. Male double badminton
9. Female Dodgeball
10. Male Dodgeball
11. Tug of War

well, it's not something I should be excited about but...

my class almost lost in all of them *cries from the distance*

well, lets list it. As of last Saturday, my class won :

1. Basketball
2. Actually thats it
3. Ignore the numbers, we only won one

now the list of stuffs we lost :

1. Female Football
2. Male Football
3. Volley
4. Lari Estafet
5. Female double badminton
6. Male double badminton
7. Female Dodgeball
8. Tug of War
9. Basically everything
10. Bless us *cries*

things we haven't played in :

1. Male Dodgeball
2. Gobak Sodor

....my class is like, the best.

Well, enough chit-chat, now I'm going to tell you what happened that day. We gathered at Lapangan Bali in the morning, around 7 a.m. The day started with, well, as expected, the event opening. Not something interesting to be honest, but they always exist in every event. Well, you can't have an event without it. ANYWAY, after that was the first game!! All the games in the basketball court, soccerfield, and the indoor field are held at the same time. Though they wont make one class play 2 games at the same time because,

supporters are  i m p o r t a n t.

Nah, kidding, I don't think thats why, I think it's just so that if one person from one class plays in 2 branch of sports, they can still do it. The first thing I did was watching the basketball game between ... dunno, it's between 2 class and none of it was mine, so I just watched it to kill time. After that was done, I moved to the indoor field with my classmates to watch our class compete in female double badminton. Big news, we lost. But THAT'S OKAY RIGHT? :)

After that, we immediately went back to the basketball court where our class is doing to play basketball. It was a great game and, guess what, real big news now, we actually won. It's like the only thing we won that day, but let's be happy while we can, okay?

NEXT! Things happen in between and now we're playing Lari Estafet. It was unfortunate, we lost because a tiiiny little mistake the referee didnt notice but THAT'S OKAY RIGHT? :)

NEXT! ... It was the female football .....
........................... let's skip that one

NEXT! Tug of War!! It was fun to be honest. I wasn't supposed to play that at first, but in the end I had to replace someone. We almost got it. There was a time when we we're in great sync and almost win, but unfortunately we lost in the end. We're really good at this aren't we! (re:good at losing)

NEXT! Volley! I can't say it was a fun one, because most of the points comes from either a failed service or fall right after the service. It's guessable though, yes, we lost again.

NEXT! Female Dodgeball! Theres nothing to tell here other than Beta being our MVP (most valuable player) and we lost again.

NEXT! Male double badminton!! Honestly our players were pretty good, but the opponent was too good too *cries* anyways we lost.

NEXT! Male Football!! Ugh.. I don't know was it our opponent that was too strong or we're just too exhausted from all our loss or something like that. AND we end up losing that one too.


Well that actually sums up everything that happened on last Dewa Athena. 

We can still hope on the games we haven't played, gobak sodor and male dodgeball. Let's just hope the best for our teams there. GO X SCIENCE 5!!! No matter what happens in the end, 


That's it for now~ byebye~~

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